“Mille mercis” is French for thanks a million or thousand thanks if translated word by word!
Mille mercis to Blogchatter, Team Blogchatter for this opportunity to refuell my blogging spirit that was diminishing courtesy my own making but not any more after participating in #BlogchatterHalfMarathon.
Last and most important, mille mercis to my dear readers, fellow bloggers and subscribers of my blog for your encouraging support throughout my blogging journey, especially now when I was trying to dabble in just 3 lines, which was an uphill task for me!
सक्षम · September 23, 2021 at 8:05 am
🎁 Mille mercis🙏
Bio Personalizada · February 18, 2024 at 11:39 pm
Your blog is a gratitude oasis in the desert of negativity. Thank you for quenching our thirst for positivity!